The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) must provide a rigorous course of study that allows students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and enable a student to combine high school courses and college-level courses with the goal of earning industry-based certifications, certificates, and/or an associate degree and engage in appropriate work-based learning at every grade level.
4.1 - Regional Need
Documentation detailing courses of study examples that outline student pathways from high school to associate degrees, certificates, or industry-based certifications and beyond
Current dated regional high-demand occupation list
4.3 - Course Sequence
Crosswalk aligning high school and college courses, grades 9 through 12, which enables a student to earn an associate degree or up to 60 college credit hours toward a baccalaureate degree
Master schedules
4.7 - College Readiness
Calendar of scheduled TSI test administration dates, sign-up process, and intervention expectations
Aggregate reports of TSI exam performance
Testing calendar and schedule for SAT, ACT, or other college readiness assessments